Inspired by spending the day with a potter while travelling in northern India, on returning I sought a local teacher and have been fortunate enough to learn and develop my skills with Nutbourne based potter, Malcolm Macdonald.
Never happier than when having my hands in clay, I work in stoneware to create functional and decorative pottery. I enjoy experimenting with various combinations of handmade glazes and slips to create contrasting textures and colour blends which reflect the colours and textures of the natural environment around Emsworth.
I have taken part in The Emsworth Arts Trail since 2021 and my work is on sale at Bosham Walk or by direct message on Instagram
Instagram: @Lizclaypots

After a university career divided between sailing, theatre design and the occasional lecture on civil engineering, I spent most of my working life designing offshore oil platforms, somehow picking up a PhD in coastal engineering on the way.
Unencumbered by an Arts College education, I learnt to paint and draw from books and adult education classes. I work almost exclusively in watercolour and am fascinated by the spontaneity and serendipity that this medium provides.
I now indulge my love of the sea by painting characterful yachts, old fishing boats, and coastal and harbour scenes.
I also enjoy painting portraits and figures from life, working in a combination of pastel pencil and watercolour.
telephone: 01243 377870
email: michael.bury@ntlworld.com

I went to the West Sussex College of Art and studied a Foundation Course, followed by a Course in Fashion Design.
After I left college, I worked locally in a Florist Shop and gained my City and Guilds in Floristry.
I have since spent many years working with flowers on countless occasions and in varied environments, running my own business from home.
I have always practised my Art in all sorts of ways from sketching and painting whilst on holiday to Pub signs.
Having lived just outside Emsworth for 40 years with my husband and family, I have come to love the area and a lot of my subjects are local scenes.
My children have all left home now hence I have a bit more time to pursue my Art.
Over the years I have participated in many local Exhibitions also I have done a little teaching, which I found most satisfying.
The mediums I use are mostly Watercolour and Acrylics, with all kinds of subjects being of interest to me – any subject is a challenge!
telephone: 023 9247 7739
email: jancopsey@hotmail.com

Hi I'm Nic and I've been drawing since I was 8. I've never formally studied, other than A level Art 1979-80. I always sketched watercolour en plein air as my way of relaxing and recording the world, then one day in 2004 I sold my first oil painting for £2000 by mistake.
My first arts trail was 2013, and I continue with that because it makes me work hard and think about the business of art.
I exhibit regularly in Emsworth, Surrey and London. You can see some of my pieces at Cross Kitchen, and of course annually with Emsworth Artists and Emsworth Arts Trail. The Square, the Health Centre, and Emsworth Deli. Every year I join with five other as The 6 Collective, showing at the wonderful Farnham Pottery (https://www.thefarnhampottery.co.uk)
Works can be acquired via my website or Etsy.
telephone: 07973 758092
website: www.nic-cowper.co.uk
email: niccowper@gmail.com

I am an Impressionist artist, painting from my studio in Emsworth.
I paint views of nature, with my trademark big British skies. I paint full time, creating work for galleries and shows, plus a new commission each fortnight for private clients. This diligent practice enables me to work on my craft each day, pushing myself to experiment and challenge my style.
My bespoke offering is to include silhouettes of family members within a client's perfect view.
My work has been selected for national exhibitions including the Affordable Art Fairs. I studied art at Kingston University and gained a BA in Drama & Theatre Arts from Birmingham University.
Tel: 07813 312147
website: www.nadiaday.co.uk
Facebook: NadiaDayArtist
Instagram: @nadia_day_artist

I paint mainly maritime subjects. Self taught from an early age, but later as a mature student I studied graphic design at the Portsmouth College of Art. I developed my own unique style working in a wide range of professional studios
After working as a freelance artist and graphic designer until my retirement, I still paint as often as possible. I have completed commissions for clients much further afield and my paintings can be found in Germany, Australia and America.
Other recent commissions include a painting for the Pompey Pals Project, based at Fort Widley, depicting the WW1 recruitment drive from Portsmouth Football Ground – Fratton Park. This has been presented to the Portsmouth Football Club, of which 250 limited edition prints have been made, the sales of which are contributing to that charity.
The inspiration for much of my work stems from my experiences as a merchant seaman and my love of sailing. Although primarily a specialist in marine illustration, I have successfully completed commissions covering a wide range of subjects, including landscapes, aircraft, locomotives and natural history.
Should you consider a painting of your favourite subject, I will be happy to discuss your ideas
telephone: 023 9246 8163
email: evans.anchor31@gmail.com

I began my artistic career as an archaeological illustrator working on the Mary Rose project, drawing a wide range of the artefacts recovered from the ship. This detailed pen and ink work honed my drawing skills but it was not until 1990 when I took up painting that my artistic world exploded into colour!
I get much of my inspiration from life here in the Emsworth area and endeavour to bring humour and an eye for the unusual to my paintings of the region, its people and harbour birds. I specialise in feline, wildlife and maritime subjects and have won the award for best watercolour at two consecutive exhibitions of the Royal Society of Marine Artists at the Mall Gallery London.
I first love is watercolour painting but over the past 2 years I have been studying a variety of print making techniques including etching, screenprinting and relief printing
I am a member of the Society of Feline Artists and take part in their Annual Exhibition in London and more recently their online exhibitions
telephone: 01243 372720<
website: www.scratchingaliving.co.uk
email: marianforster80@gmail.com

I moved to Emsworth with my family in 2014. Before that I spent 9 years living and working on superyachts travelling all over the world followed by 9 years in Valencia, Spain working for the America's Cup before deciding to come and make the south coast our home for a while.
I have always been creative but only recently decided to take up art full time, taking part in the Emsworth Art Trail for the first time last year. Since then I have exhibited at the Oxmarket, and also joined the Artisans Gallery in North Street, Chichester where I have my work for sale and enjoy being part of a creative community. I regularly take commissions in both painting and wire sculpture, all inspired by nature and the sea. Feel free to visit my website and take a look!
Website: www.moluku.co.uk
Email: dlhochreutener@gmail.com
Instagram: moluku_

My final pieces are linocuts, but along the way I use watercolour and photoshop to help develop the concept for the final edition of prints.
At the moment I am trying to give the linocuts a watercolour look, trying to replicate the way that they give the impression of captured light. To this end I am creating brushstrokes by painting the block with resist varnish and then covering the block with caustic soda paste. When the caustic soda is washed away the brushstrokes are left. I do three of four plates and use a lot of transparent medium so that the printed colours show through each other, similar to a watercolour.
telephone: 07762 067833
website: www.ahlinocuts.co.uk
Instagram: @ah_linocuts

Artist Printmaker
In recent years I have turned more and more to printmaking as my main creative focus. Drawing informs and drives most of my printmaking, it is usually the starting point from which prints will develop, although I sometimes work more directly and spontaneously.
I have several sketchbooks on the go at any given time, which makes for seemingly chaotic recording. Amid the chaos of my sketchbooks , somehow things fall into place and develop into finished prints in the studio.
All my work is printed by hand and colours are mixed as I go.
I work in a variety of printmaking disciplines such as collagraph, linocut, silk screen and monoprinting. I like to experiment with intaglio and relief methods and will often combine the two in my collagraph work.
I take inspiration from the world around me and am interested in the relationship we have with our environment, both natural and built. Shape, space, pattern and light are elements I look for when I'm developing ideas, striving to capture the perfect balance in my compositions.
I am a member of Omega Printmakers and Badger Press Print Studio.
telephone: 01243 372946

I am a "threadpainter"; using free-motion embroidery to create delicate, loose-lined threadpaintings, often featuring birds and nearly always inspired by nature.
I love layering fabrics to create interesting textures as a background for my work, and recently I have been enjoying adding stitched words and poetry to my art.
Growing up in the Dorset countryside sparked my interest in nature and this very much informs my work today.
My first career was as a Royal Navy Navigating Officer, and all the time I spent at sea has left me with a life-long love of seabirds; much of my work features the birds of the coast and ocean.
telephone: 07779 113663
website: www.katelamieart.weebly.com
email: katelamieart@outlook.com

A love of reflected light and landscapes inspires my work but living as I do in Emsworth on the south coast of England, inevitably, seascapes are never far away.
I enjoy experimenting with the presentation of my work in various mediums, as well as the traditional framed photograph.
Photographs are sometimes printed on canvas, but more unusually, images are produced bonded under glass, and directly printed onto aluminium.
I am also experimenting with direct print on wood, a process which deliberately allows for the grain and texture of the wood to be part of the final image.
Having been fortunate enough to have travelled widely over the years I have collected a lot of photographic images on the way, and these have been a great source of material for my work.
Recently, having finally retired, I have been investigating other areas of photographic interest, such as Macro and Wildlife photography.
telephone: 01243 372952
website: www.vlavender-photography.co.uk
email: vince@vlavender-photography.co.uk

Award Winning artist Angela Loader is self taught, leaving school at fifteen , who went on to work for an Art & Framing Gallery.
Angela lives in Emsworth, Hampshire with her husband Roland Rogers and their son Peter, and continues to paint in her maiden name.
Angela finds her inspiration from the surrounding countryside and coastline around Hampshire and Sussex.
Working in Watercolours and Oils, capturing it's atmosphere, moods natural colours and effects of light though out the season's.
Her commission work also include Birds, Animals, Garden and Architecture.
Her work has been exhibited with The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours , at the Mall Galleries London. Held a number of successful solo exhibitions and won awards in National and International Watercolour competitions. Angela's work is represented in public, and in private collections around the world.
telephone: 01243 376335
website: www.angelaloaderartist.co.uk
email: info@angelaloaderartist.co.uk

Recently I have been having my photographs produced as acrylic prints. This intensifies the colour and gives the impression of depth.
They also do not need to be framed in the traditional way.
I often use post processing techniques to enhance my images or to create a different form, sometimes pushing them beyond reality.
Many of my photographs have been taken abroad where there are still old buildings standing, seemingly as a monument to their past occupants.
email: davidsmallan@googlemail.com
Website: www.madebymallan.co.uk

I am an Emsworth artist who works with glass to create pieces inspired by our beautiful harbour and local countryside. Many of my designs reflect the movement and the colours of the sea and seasons.
I first saw art glass being created when my parents took me to Venice when I was a child. Watching the street glass blowers was mesmerising, I was fascinated by the colours and fluidity of the molten glass.
I never imagined that many years later I would be creating my own glass designs.
A proud Nightingale Nurse, I have spent nearly 40 years working for the NHS both locally and in London. Now almost retired I intend to indulge my passion for glass.
telephone: 07983 273461
email: pennymcdougallglass@gmail.com
Facebook: Penny McDougall Contemporary Glass
Instagram: pennymcdougall_glassartist

Originally trained as a painter I became interested in etching and joined the Print Workshops at Gainsborough's House, Sudbury and the Minories Art Gallery, Colchester. I then studied printmaking at the Chelsea School of Art, London and became Head of Studio at the Minories. I have also taught part time in adult education, secondary education, private art groups and private schools. I now work mainly as a wood engraver making unique wood engraved collages and mixed media relief prints.
In the early eighties I was instrumental in the formation of 12 PM the East Anglian based group of twelve printmakers who recently held their thirtieth anniversary exhibition.
My latest work 'Coast' is an ongoing series of unique wood engraved collages inspired by the diverse coastal scene.
I wanted to free wood engraving from the confines of the block to give the engraved image the freedom to be used in different ways as the idea develops. Collaged impressions from blocks of varying shapes and sizes are used to build up detailed compositions. I hope the combination of images both natural and man-made from different locations invoke our rich coastal heritage.
I have exhibited widely in open, mixed and invited exhibitions. Biography – 'Artists in Britain since 1945 Vol 1'
telephone: 01243 278468

I have been working with willow since 2004, as a full time business since 2013 after starting to sell in 2009.
I create a variety of baskets, vases, bottle holders and platters using Somerset grown willow as well as locally and Dorset grown coloured varieties.
I also include hedgerow materials such as larch or silver birch, shells from Emsworth foreshore and shotgun cartridges in some of them.
I make entirely willow sculptures of birds, trees and small animals as well.
Basket handles and some other damage can be repaired or replaced. Commissions are accepted.
See my website for a gallery of my work.
telephone: 01243 376632
website: www.lindaswillow.co.uk
email: info@lindaswillow.co.uk

I was born in Caerphilly, South Wales. I obtained a medical degree at the University of Bristol in 1975. After experience in the Royal Navy and General Practice, I pursued a career in London as a Medico-legal adviser retiring in 2009.
I developed an interest in watercolour painting in the 1990s.
More recently, I have concentrated on oil painting - my favourite subjects being land and seascapes.
I am particularly fond of Cornwall and it`s modern artists, such as Kurt Jackson and Neil Pinkett ,as a source of inspiration.

Born in Wimbledon, Felicity took Art for 'O' Level but has had no formal training since. She began watercolour painting when she moved to the area in 2004. Since then, she has been exploring different styles and mediums, in particular, pastels.
telephone: 01243 374267
email: felicitynewton@btinternet.com

Rachel Parham nee Smith, a born Emsworthian, I am now living in Havant. I have been painting and drawing for 15 years, going more public for the past 5 years.
Primarily a pet portrait artist, I specialise in pastels or pencilwork. I have been taking commissions and producing other drawings for my portfolio, putting some to print.
Recently, I have been working on other animals, farm and wildlife.
My love of Emsworth has also inspired some of my sea/landscapes.
website: www.rachelparham.com
Facebook and Instagram: Search - Rachel Parham Design
telephone: 07887 570759
email: mee-mees@hotmail.co.uk

I live in Emsworth with my wife Joyce, my chief adviser and valued critic.
I interpret the traditional subjects of landscape, still life and the human figure in my own way, aiming not for realism so much as for visual impact, energy and strong design. Painting being an activity in two dimensions, I value and exploit the flatness of the picture plane. My work is essentially about shapes and their relation to one another and to the space they occupy. I am influenced by Chinese painting and calligraphy, in which space and balance are very important.
Starting a painting I generally have little idea where it is going. Before judging a work finished I will probably have made many changes and perhaps restarted more than once. My work is a journey with obstacles and turning points, and sometimes, with luck, an arrival. I value ambiguity.
Being untaught, I have my own views on learning about art; I carry no art school baggage. I think that technique should not be more highly valued than ideas (look how scrubby Matisse's work could be – but what design!) With this in mind I conduct one-day workshops in which I try to lure people out of their comfort zones into the bigger worlds hiding in their heads. I have found it possible to get people to produce exciting and beautiful work of a kind they did not dream of; this is enormously satisfying to them and to me.
Artists I especially admire include Zurbarán, El Greco, Corot, Manet, Boudin, Diebenkorn, Vaughan, Serra, Eardley and Doig. Actually, nearly all artists have something worth looking at. I look at a lot of art.
telephone: 01243 372603
email: andrew@andrewpearson.me.uk

I moved to the Emsworth area in March 2020 but was not too far away in Southsea and I had visited Emsworth exhibitions many times.
I have also sold and exhibited in Chichester in recent years and have got to know a few arty people from the area so becoming a member of Emsworth Artists is very special because I know the standard of work from its members is very high indeed.
I got into painting on a regular basis comparatively late in life but the past twenty years have flown by and seen me working as a resident artist at the Riverbank Gallery - Port Solent (unfortunately now gone like most of the shops around at that time) and I was known by many as the 'wave man' because of the large surf waves and colourful skies paintings I was producing at that time. I followed on from that by opening my own gallery in Hampshire and began organising art and life drawing classes. I have also taken part and organised many exhibitions as well as being represented by other independent galleries over the past twenty years.
I have now "retired" but continue to paint and also spend more of my time capturing the south downs and local area with my camera. Photography has been a hobby from a small boy and I would now love to include some of my photography in future exhibitions when possible.
However, I may have got into art late in life but I did take signwriting classes many years ago and I worked on many decorative signs cumulating in my biggest ever assignment to reproduce a highly decorative/artistic celling as part of the renovation work on a large Hampshire property. It was backbreaking but I am glad I did it - with a lot of help from my very artistic wife.
website: www.martinpiercy.com
email: martinpiercy@yahoo.co.uk
Facebook: martin.piercy.3
Instagram: www.instagram.com/art_studio_direct_

Painter and Mixed Media Artist
As an artist, I am mainly inspired by the natural world. I love experimenting with colour, texture and pattern and use a wide variety of different materials and surfaces. I produce paintings, digital art prints, collages and mixed media pieces as well as greetings cards from photos of my original artwork.
telephone: 07790 450443
Facebook: Jackie Podmore Art
Instagram: @podmorejackie
email: jackie.podmore57@btinternet.com

After six years as a fine art student at Stourbridge, Ravensbourne and Goldsmiths Colleges of Art I taught Art and Design for thirty years. For the last seventeen years I have developed my own work in watercolour, acrylic and, more recently, printmaking.I'm inspired by the rhythms, patterns and movement in both the natural and manmade world with subject matter forever evolving.
I love the challenge of new materials and techniques but, whatever the subject or medium, my work maintains a bold distinctive style.
I exhibit at a number of places locally and my studio is open for the hugely successful Emsworth Arts Trail in April/ May each year.
telephone: 01243 372610
email: jhp.cap@btinternet.com

Mark making is the centre of my practice. I use fabrics, thread and stitch to create my textile pieces. My art is characterised by strong sweeping lines, vibrant colours and stitched details that add tactile texture. I adopt quilting techniques that bring relief and sculptured effects to my work.
I live in Westbourne near Chichester. The landscape of Sussex provides a continuous source of inspiration for my art. I am fascinated by how nature and history have shaped the chalk Downlands and coast. The marks made by fields, woods, paths, old tracks, hedges, flints and settlements are of special interest to me. I love to go out with my sketchbook and camera to experience all moods and weather. I draw, make notes, lines and scribbles to capture my immediate responses to the place. Back home I work on cloth to capture what I have seen and felt.
In 2013 I gained a Foundation Degree in Stitched Textiles (distinction) from Winchester University. I am a member of the group of textile artists called 'Marks and Stitch' and a Licentiate Member of the Society of Designer Craftsmen.
telephone: 01243 370320
website: robinarichter.wordpress.com
email: robina.richter2@gmail.com

I was born and raised on Hayling Island and am currently living in Havant. I studied Chinese art whilst living in Malaysia and use all different types of media, but painting on delicate rice paper is my favourite. It's a challenge, as mistakes can rarely be rectified but the soft effect is beautiful.
I have recently completed the story and illustrations for my second children's book in the 'Lilly Finds' series, both now published and available as Apple eBooks with audio, on Kindle, and also on Amazon as printed paperback books. 'Lilly Finds a Best Friend' and 'Lilly Finds a Mysterious Rock.'
website: https://community.saa.co.uk/artists/dbee-robinson-144334
email: dbeerobinsonartist@gmail.com
I have enjoyed painting all my personal and work life.
I work in various mediums including watercolour, acrylic and mixed media. I like to experiment with all types of mark making.
My style is inter-changeable from figurative through to abstraction.
I live in Emsworth and I am influenced and inspired by the surrounding area of the beautiful Chichester Harbour. My subjects include coastal, botanical, flora and fauna and I always enjoy a new challenge
I am also involved in teaching art to adults and children inspiring creativity and relaxation enabling friendships to develop within a calm environment.
telephone: 07980 715710
email: j.silcock457@btinternet.com

Hi, I'm Trevor, born in South London and now taking my art more seriously after a life-long career as an engineer and engineering leader in instrumentation, including medical diagnostics. I work in various styles and media but mostly oils, pastel, and charcoal. Since full retirement and moving to Emsworth in 2019, I've been concentrating on portraiture.
I'm fascinated by how we can instantly recognize a human face or form and understand their emotion, character, and allegiances. How do we know what people might think and how they might react. Survival in the village in which each one of us exists depends on this ability. I like to capture character and mood.
I've had little training other that a few evening classes many years ago and more recently some courses on oil portraiture: Lindey Alfrey in Stow-on-the-Wold; Jane French at West Dean College. I've been a member of Emsworth Art Group (not the same as Emsworth Artists) since 2022 and exhibit with them. I also attend a couple of life drawing groups on a regular basis. I do accept commissions.
telephone:07717 828755
Instagram: atrevorsmith
email: atrevorsmith@gmail.com

After a career in Marketing in the marine industry, I have now retired and pursue a number of my interests, including web design and painting.
I have lived in Emsworth for over thirty years, and I am a keen sailor. I own both a Cornish Shrimper and a Scow dinghy, and am a member of Emsworth Sailing Club.
My love of Emsworth has led me to try and share my enthusiasm for the place with anyone I can get to listen. In 2010 I launched a website dedicated to walking around Emsworth; www.emsworthwalks.org, which incorporated a number of my watercolour paintings.
I learned to paint watercolours in 2009 at Southdown College, and have continued to learn more, and improve my work since then through classes and workshops at The Spring in Havant and privately with Heather Gray-Newton. Today I am a member of the Emsworth Friday Art Group.
My inspiration is very much from my surroundings in Emsworth, through landscapes and images of boats and water. However, I also spend as much time as possible when I am not sailing in Piemonte, Italy in the foothills of the Alps. This is in total contrast to Emsworth, being mountains, trees and the spectacular scenery of that part of Northern Italy.
In my compositions, I have tried to capture scenes that interest the visitor to Emsworth, not necessarily those of the sailor, as many visitors are not lucky enough to get out on the water on boats, and instead love the environment they create in the ever changing scenery of Chichester Harbour with its wide tidal range.
Latterly I have learnt to paint with soft pastels. It has given me the opportunity to 'loosen up' and go big.
telephone: 01243 377411
website: www.emsworthimages.com
email: emsworthimages@gmail.com

My work comprises mono prints, screen prints and lino prints, mostly influenced by the local landscape and memories of growing up by the seaside. Images are hand printed, allowing the ink to sit above the paper to give an intensity and tactile feel not achieved by commercial printing.
After qualifying as a teacher of creative arts and maths, I went on to have a 25-years career in advertising and marketing, enabled me to use my creative ideas in branding, messaging and imagery for clients. Four years ago I completed a City & Guilds in Printmaking and have been learning and experimenting with printmaking techniques ever since.
I am a member of Omega Printmakers and Emsworth Artists.
telephone: 01243 373972

I started my career as an air-to-air photographer working for a Hawker Aircraft, hence my interest since retiring returning again to photography.
I took up painting as a hobby about twenty years ago and have taken a special interest in combining digital imaging with traditional painting techniques.
In recent years I have focused on the photographic and digital art techniques, printed onto canvas.
Most of my work is inspired by the landscapes of Emsworth and surrounding area.
telephone: 01243 374416
email: jtweddell@btinternet.com

I did a Fine Art degree at Chichester – graduating in 2012. I soon realised that all I really wanted to do was printmaking, and so that's what I am – a printmaker.
I use screenprinting, sometimes with the addition of linocut, occasionally adding graphite or wax.
Colour and form predominate in my work, and subjects include sea and landscapes and still life. I make initial drawings and then play around with these to suit the printmaking medium. I also use shorthand converted from linear to 2D to create semi-abstract compositions.
telephone: 01243 375925
website: www.beavenessprintmaker.com
email: beaveness@hotmail.com

Two years at West Sussex College of Art and Design gave me a pass at 'A' level, and had a lifelong influence on my style and design.
During my marriage, my skills of sewing and embroidery were taken up by home and family; but as my sons grew up, I went to embroidery classes and exhibited (and sold) locally in the Pulborough area.
I later started quilt making seriously, and in 2000 studied textile at Chichester College, intending to make Art Quilts. My work in the direction of stitched and collage pictures, and when living in Fishbourne, I exhibited as part of Open Doors.
After moving to Emsworth I started exhibiting with Emsworth Artists.
I am facinated by the concept of palimpsest - however much we rub off the slate of the past, it reaches through to appear in our present, and sometimes, future.
telephone: 01243 378864

Having worked in theatre as a scenic designer, now retired I am enjoying continuing to paint on a smaller scale.
Most of my images are quite naive, however, my work is very diverse as I enjoy the interaction between colour and form, while working with a variety of styles and medium
telephone: 01243 373162
email: ljwoodart@gmail.com